Project permissions & access

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Who sees what in a project

Access for people in your company…
If someone in your company has access to a project, they can see the project on the dashboard, go into the project, and add/edit content. They will be able to see the contact information for other users on that project.

If they don’t have access they won’t see the project mentioned anywhere, they won’t be able to access it, and they won’t get any email notifications about it. Here is how you give admin access to someone in your company.

Access for people in other companies (clients, etc.)…
People on the client side of a project can have one of three permissions levels. You can adjust these permissions from the People & Permissions tab of your project:

  1. Messages & files: If the checkbox is checked, they can access the project, view milestones, post comments, post messages, and upload files.
  2. …plus to-dos: If the “…plus to-dos” radio button is selected, this person can access the project, view milestones, post comments, post messages, upload files, and add/edit/remove to-do lists/items.
  3. …plus Calendar: If the “…plus Calendar” radio button is selected, this person can access the project, view milestones and events, post comments, post messages, upload files, add to-do lists/items, and add milestones and events. *

Note: Unless the restrictions above have been enabled, Clients who have access to a project can…

  • Edit/delete messages or milestones they’ve entered.
  • Check off, edit, or delete any to-dos entered by any user.
  • Assign to-do items or milestones to people in their company and your company.

The items mentioned above are the only things that clients can edit — clients cannot edit anything else added by account owners.

Client access

Clients don’t have a Dashboard like you do, and won’t see the same view you see.

When a client has access to 0 projects, they’ll see this message:

When they have access to one project only, they’ll automatically go to the Overview page for that project when they login:

If they have access to multiple projects, they’ll see a modified Dashboard view to navigate between projects:

Time tracking is only available to people in your own company. Clients or people in other companies cannot see the tab.

Changing Project Access

Admins on a project can give any other users in the account permission to access any project, or keep users from seeing any project. Simply log into the project, click the “People & Permissions” link (top right corner of the screen), then the link that says “Change project permissions.”

You can also add another company to this project and then give access to people from that company.

Trouble with Project Access

When a person doesn’t have access to a project, when they log in they’ll see, “We’re setting up your projects.”

If a person sees this message, they haven’t been given access to any projects yet. You’ll need to edit their profile to give them access.

To do this, go to the All People tab, find their name and click Edit. Then choose which projects they can access by checking off project names in the sidebar. 

Don't forget to click “Update project access” after you've made your changes!

If you prefer a video, this one goes over project access:

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